Simple done consistently well
My mentor James is very direct. Direct is good. I have a few ‘James-isms’ written on my wall. These are things I know, but need

How to declutter your business to reignite growth and refind your mojo
‘Such a brilliant start – we wrapped up Friday feeling energised, confident, boosted and clear on our next steps – thank you’. This was a

4 questions to help you create unique content (that Chat GPT can’t)
I spent the weekend in Melbourne with my daughter and her boyfriend, who is a tech developer. He was showing me what ChatGPT could do

Washed out to Wise Elder: reimagine your experience to reboot your career
I’m having a lot of similar conversations with older professionals. Some feel under pressure in a role or business they no longer fit. Some enjoy

Why most new consultants/coaches undercharge (and how to fix it)
Most ex-corporates undercharge for their services and consequently struggle to make the maths of running their own show add up. The result is they get

What Paul McCartney can teach us about fulfilling our potential
I was lucky enough to attend Sir Paul McCartney’s GOT BACK arena performance in Sydney last week. Like many, I was blown away by the