Take the 5-minute test to find out how you are currently showing up. Receive a personalised action plan with tips on how to improve your professional brand.
To succeed today, leaders have to stand out. Being expert and experienced is no longer enough. They must actively develop their INFLUENCE to attract the people, customers and resources necessary to win in volatile, uncertain and complex markets.
The BUILDING INFLUENTIAL LEADERS Webinar is delivered by Influence expert Mark Hodgson. It explores how leadership has changed and lays out a strategy for what leaders need to DO, BE and BUILD to become the INFLUENCERS and ACTIVATORS your business needs.
Mark Hodgson comes from a corporate background and has held senior leadership roles in the UK, Australasia, Central Europe and Russia. He is now a leading thinker in Transformation and Influence – helping leaders to unlock their inner talents for success and happiness.
Mark has inspired large teams across a range of commercial and not-for-profit businesses. A natural disruptor, he helps CEOs, executives, consultants and entrepreneurs to position themselves as leading influencers and is an expert in leading change. He is a Graduate of the AGSM Change Management programme, a Faculty Member of Thought Leaders Business School and a Partner of the About My Brain Institute.
His book, ‘Time to Shine: Adapting who you are and what you know to succeed in the ideas economy’ explains what we need to DO, BE and BUILD to show up as successful, fulfilled and authentic Influencers.
Mark is an Executive Coach, Author, Advisor and Keynote Speaker.
Take the 5-minute test to find out how you are currently showing up. Receive a personalised action plan with tips on how to improve your professional brand.